Konrad Winter
Fischerhütte, 2023
car lacquer on aluminum
36,6 × 26 inches
(93 × 66 cm)
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Konrad Winter

The works of Konrad Winter are based on photographs. He collects these while traveling and in his daily environment. Starting from these views of often touristy places, he breaks down the motifs into color surfaces and color impressions. He then translates these into automotive paint on aluminum. Although he works with brush and paint, i.e. "classical" manual painting, the materials used appear smooth and industrial. In contrast, the color flickering and the light impressions of his motifs convey an almost impressionistic impression.

Project #9: Katja Then and Konrad Winter
The DavisKlemmGallery runs a project space at Kirchstraße 4 in Hochheim am Main. A project by Katja Then and Konrad Winter was shown there from February to April 2023. Katja Then's "winter pictures" are based on reworked sleds, which are on display in the project space for this exhibition. They form the starting point for a visual "toboggan ride" through Hochheim. For this, Konrad Winter took dynamic photographs of the old town, from which his manual painting in car paint on aluminum was created.
Dauer: 0:54

Konrad Winter: Lichtungen
This is a portrait of the artist Konrad Winter, made for our exhibition "Zweimal Malerei" (with Katharina Gierlach). The film gives an insight into the life and work of the Austrian artist, who has been represented by the DavisKlemmGallery since 2002. The film was supported by Neustart Kultur and Stiftung Kunstfonds.
Dauer: 6:39

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Konrad Winter: Stille Wasser

Mit einem Text von Uli von Mengden

Publisher: DavisKlemmGallery, Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, 2023
Editor: Erika Davis-Klemm
52 pages, 29,7 x 21 cm


Konrad Winter: Konrad Winter: Lichtungen

Mit einem Text von Dorothee Baer-Bogenschütz

Publisher: DavisKlemmGallery, Wiesbaden, 2021
Editor: Erika Davis-Klemm
96 pages, 29,6 x 21 cm

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Born in Salzburg

Salzburg commerce prize

1986 - 1993
Residency in Cologne

Georg Trakl prize for visual arts

Participation in the Painting Symposium Werfen

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Projekt #9: Katja Then & Konrad Winter, Projektraum der DavisKlemmGallery, Hochheim.
Konrad Winter: Stille Wasser, DavisKlemmGallery, Wiesbaden.

Mémoire, Galerie Frey, Salzburg.
Augenschein, Galerie von Braunbehrens, Stuttgart.

Zweimal Malerei (mit Katharina Gierlach), DavisKlemmGallery, Wiesbaden.

one artist show, Art Karlsruhe, DavisKlemmGallery, Karlsruhe.
Lichtungen, DavisKlemmGallery, Wiesbaden.
Was ich ncht erkennen kann, Galerie Alex Schlesinger, Zürich.

one artist show, Art Karlsruhe, DavisKlemmGallery, Karlsruhe.
"Ein Beobachter kann nicht sehen, was er nicht sehen kann", Kunstverein Galerie Eboran, Salzburg.
Galerie von Braunbehrens, Stuttgart.
Nachtspaziergang, Galerie Frey, Salzburg.

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