Vulpes vulpes - the red fox: Hein Spellmann at Kunstverein Neukölln


From June 28 to August 4, 2024, the Kunstverein Neukölln in Berlin is showing the exhibition “Vulpes vulpes - the red fox” with works by Marcus Jansen, Bodo Rott and Hein Spellmann. These animals have sought and found a new habitat - and feel at home in Berlin. Since the 1990s, they have populated the city and have adapted to urban life. The artists were invited by the Kunstverein to engage with the four-legged city dwellers. You can find more information here.


Award and exhibition: Suzanne Wild and Albrecht Wild


Suzanne Wild, who is currently represented with Project #15 in the DavisKlemmGallery project space, and Albrecht Wild, a long-standing artist at the gallery, will receive the Ilse-Hannes-Gesellschaft Prize. The award ceremony will take place on June 20, 2024 at 7 pm in the Nebbienschen Gartenhaus of the Frankfurt Artists' Club. An exhibition with works by both artists will also be on display there from June 21 to July 7, 2024. For more infos see: .


malatsion at Kunstverein Reutlingen: Wonderful Creatures


Opening on Sunday, June 16th, 2024 at 5 pm at Kunstverein Reutlingen. Exhibition runs till September 15th, 2024.<br>

The works by malatsion and Hans-Peter Thomas are united by an interest in nature that has also been shared by science and art since the 19th century. The exhibition "Wonderful Creatures" unites these apparent opposites and conveys how nature experiences in art and science can awaken environmental awareness.




Cancelled: Performance by Giseela Winterling


Unfortunately, we have to cancel on short notice Gisela Winterling's performance in our project space on May 5 due to illness.


"Promo tour for poetry" with Gisela Winterling on May 5th


"Promo tour for poetry" with Gisela Winterling:
Find out why it's worth reading poetry on May 5th in our project space at "Kaffeefahrt", a disguised promotional event for poetry. A "Kaffeefahrt" is literally a "coffee trip", but actually means a cheap bus trip including a beverage and with a sales presentation of consumer goods.
In this special performance, Gisela Winterling will take you on a fictitious journey into the blue. Join us on a journey to poetic destinations and let us surprise you.
Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 4 pm.
"Kaffeefahrt zur Poesie", a fictional journey into the blue.
DavisKlemmGallery Projektraum: Kirchstraße 4 in Hochheim am Main.
Moderation + poems: Gisela Winterling.
Grooves + beats: Heiko Wöhler.


A rendezvous with Rilke: World Poetry Day at DavisKlemmGallery Project Space


In 1999 in Paris the UNESCO designated March 21 as World Poetry Day with the aim of promoting linguistic diversity through poetic forms of expression. Since 2000, events such as readings and writing workshops have been held around the world on World Poetry Day to draw attention to the literary genre of poems. On Thursday, March 21st, Gisela Winterling invites you to a rendezvous with poetry. The project room will be a dating room for poems from 4 to 7 pm. Gisela Winterling will be bringing along a selection of poetry books. Visitors can drop by between 4 and 7 pm to discover familiar and new poems. They can read them themselves or have them read aloud. Gisela Winterling is using this speed-dating-style event to promote poetry. And by the end of the event, visitors may want to get to know one or two poems better ...

DavisKlemmGallery Projektraum, Kirchstraße 4, 65239 Hochheim


Project space in Hochheim open on Sunday, March 17th, 2024


Our project space is opening its door on Sunday, March 17th, 2024 from 3 to 6 pm. Visit project #14 by Gisela Winterling and discover what is behind the barricade.
Kirchstraße 4, 65239 Hochheim am Main
