Leonard Korbus
Happiness only real when shared, 2024
oil and acrylic on canvas
49,2 × 55,1 inches
(125 × 140 cm)
Happiness only real when shared, 2024
oil and acrylic on canvas
49,2 × 55,1 inches
(125 × 140 cm)
Leonard Korbus
Leonard Korbus, born in Mainz in 1991, studied fine arts in Halle at Burg Giebichenstein, in Vienna at the Academy of Fine Arts and in Leipzig at the HGB. In 2019, he wrote his theoretical diploma thesis entitled "Der Wille zum Überblick" (The Will to the Overview) about the view from an elevated standpoint. In it, he examines the history of the view from an elevated vantage point and its power.
Central to his work as well is a preoccupation with space and questions about natural and artificial boundaries in nature. From paradise - "pairidaeza" comes from ancient Persian and consists of "pairi" (around) and "daeza" (wall) - to invasive plants in northern Italy, Korbus deals with various forms of demarcation. Nature and man's relationship to it play a central role.
1991born in Mainz, Germany
2013 - 2016
Diploma in painting/graphics, Image | Space | Object | Glass class / Christine Triebsch, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
2016 - 2020
Diploma in Media Art, Space & Installation class / Joachim Blank, Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts
Study visit Mona Hahn, class for art in public space, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Winner of the PLAYGROUND ART PRIZE 2019
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2024• In the field, DavisKlemmGallery, Wiesbaden.
• Galerie Seidenschnur, Berlin.
• "Point of View", DavisKlemmGallery, Wiesbaden.
• Diplomausstellung „VARIOUS ALTITUDES AND CIRCULAR MOVEMENTS“, Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig.
• "Siteseeing", Studio POTF, Wien.
• "Fokus auf Zeichnung", DavisKlemmGallery, Wiesbaden.
• „Flux4ART“, Landesmuseum Mainz, Golden Ross Kaserne, Mainz.
• „ZEIT.RAUM.LAND.", Kunstverein Meissen & Tapetenwerk Leipzig (Offspace Kaisitz), Käbschütztal, Landkreis Meißen.
• „DAS BLAUE LAND IN KUNTERBUNT“, Schlossmuseum Murnau, Murnau am Staffelsee.
• „VAR 13“, WESTOPL A.I.R. SPACE, Leipzig.
• "NEON ART IN PUBLIC SPACE“, Katowice Street Art AiR, Kattowitz.
• „KUNSTHOCH 46“, Künstlerforum am Hochstadenring, Bonn.
• "Operation Grenze", Gedenkstätte Deutsche Teilung Marienborn, Marienborn.
• "2 Pol-Spannungsfeld // Schutzraum", 10qm Projekt, Köln-Nippes.
• “aon nro dt", Nacht der Kirchen, Dorfkirche Holleben, Holleben, Teutschenthal, Sachsen-Anhalt.
• „BROG 1/2/3“ – positions of the class Image | Space | Object | Glass, Westpol A.I.R Space, Leipzig.
• „INSIDE 4 WALLS“ – Einzelraum in der Gruppenausstellung „Neue Sinnlichkeit“, Kulturanker e.V. Magdeburg, Ehemalige Jugendvollzugsanstalt Magdeburg.
• „AUFBRUCH #1“, Galerieraum Burg2, Halle (Saale).